Gympie West State School
Our Patch is excited to partner with Gympie West State School to offer Before and After School Care, Holiday Programs and Student Free Day care for children and families at the school. We offer nutritious breakfasts, morning and afternoon tea, exciting and educational clubs based on the children’s interest and lots of opportunities for children to play, learn and GROW!
For information on enrolments, bookings and our program please contact:
Our Patch Support Office
PH: 1300 018 310 or
41 Cartwright Rd, Gympie QLD 4570
Before School Care: 6.00am to 9.00am
After School Care: 3.00pm to 6.00pm
Holiday Programs: 6.00am to 6.00pm
Student Free Day: 6.00am to 6.00pm
Before School Care
Permanent Fee $20.00
Casual Fee $22.00
After School Care
Permanent Fee $24.00
Casual Fee $26.00
Holiday Program & Student Free Dayº
Early Bird Fee $64.00
Standard Fee $66.00
*All fees prior to Child Care Subsidy, which can be up to 90%
ºFees may include additional fee for incursions or excursions, check Holiday Program flyer for further information

Our Patch Gympie West acknowledges the Gubbi Gubbi People for the lands on which we play, learn and GROW
Any questions you can always contact the Our Patch Customer Service Team on 1300
018 310 or